OOO, 2020
object-oriented ontology is a 21st-century Heidegger-influenced school of thought that rejects the privileging of human existence over the existence of nonhuman objects. The term "object-oriented philosophy” first was used by speculative philosopher Graham Harman in his 1999 doctoral dissertation "Tool-Being: Elements in a Theory of Objects". This theory describes objects out of their function (what they do) and their material properties (what they are made of) and introduces a third position that is the object itself, independent of human perception and not ontologically exhausted by their relations with humans or other objects. Indeed it refers to the withdrawal of objects from human perception into a reality that cannot be manifested by practical or theoretical action. The OOO theory convinced me to practice this way of understanding objects. A series of functional industrial objects were collected and manipulated to change their status to what they actually are regardless of their function and material. All the visual information that reveals their material properties has been removed and so does the functionality got into a void status, to free them from their already designated identification. Both the decodified and the actual intact object are being presented side by side which resembles a comparison stage. I consider this series of work as a practice to “know through objects” and realizing the concept of material agency.